What Ryan Reynolds Means to Me: Maximum Anxiety Effort

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During the winter of 2016 I was an absolute train wreck. I was coping with the aftershock of a nervous breakdown, and working overtime to make sure no one knew about it. I had created an invisibility cloak for myself; a cloak fashioned from red wine, junk food, and an incalculable amount of days spent on the couch. It was self-sabotage at its finest. I gained a lot of weight, overnight it seemed, and I blacklisted everyone that cared about me. My husband, try as he might, couldn’t pull me out of my downward spiral. I was ready to completely disappear, and I was convinced that no one would notice. In my mind I had fallen too far, and standing back up was impossible. I also equated my mental health issues with weakness, which debilitated my situation even further. I had given up, and in my mind I was weak.

Now, on to the Ryan Reynolds of it all. My memories from that block of time are fleeting. Think about the way you remember a nightmare, weeks after you’ve had it: you can recall the cold sweat and misery of it all, but not the details… and the details you can recall don’t add up.

There is only one thing I remember clearly: Ryan Reynolds could always make me laugh. I bet I watched “The Voices” and “Deadpool” at least once a day, every day, for several months. No joke. I was numb to the world, but I remember Ryan Reynolds.

In December of that year Ryan Reynolds was on the cover of GQ’s “Men of the Year” Magazine, and, of course my husband got a copy for me. Honestly, my husband would have done anything to pull me out of my depression.

moty cover ryan reynolds

I assumed the article would be full of Wade-Wilson-flavored sarcasm, and quirky comedy riddled photos, and I was right; the article was endearingly funny, and the photos were hilariously frame-worthy.

Ryan Reynolds MOTY

However, while reading I stumbled upon a very small statement that, dare I say, changed my life. Ryan Reynolds was talking about his reaction when Deadpool was finished, and he said the following; “I had a little bit of a nervous breakdown. I literally had the shakes. I went to go see a doctor because I felt like I was suffering from a neurological problem or something. And every doctor I saw said, ‘You have anxiety’.”

I read the paragraph several times. I had been virtually emotionless for months, and suddenly I felt the overwhelming desire to cry. I broke the statuesque depression that I had been fossilized in, and I cried. I felt so relieved. For the first time since my depression spiral I didn’t feel like my mental illness was a result of weakness. I mean, if someone like Ryan Reynolds could hit a wall, then maybe it was okay, right?

As odd as it sounds, reading that Ryan Reynolds had anxiety strengthened me. It normalized my situation.

There is a quote in Deadpool; “Life is an endless series of train wrecks with only brief, commercial-like breaks of happiness.” That quote summarizes the way anxiety makes me feel. Happiness is never “just happiness” with me. For me, happiness always comes riddled with anxiety about when the happiness will end, and why. It’s an overwhelming and constant fear that is ever-so-present in my life.

Over the next few weeks I started living a semi-functional life again… and Deadpool became my anxiety totem: the thing I used to normalize my irrational fears. And I mean that literally. I literally carried around a little Deadpool figure to fidget with during my anxiety trails.

ryan reynolds nascar
Mini-Deadpool at NASCAR – August 19, 2017

I even put Deadpool (the soundtrack and the film) on my phone. It helped me normalize many stressful situations… and, as time passed, I began to accept that anxiety was a part of my life, and not a weakness.

Canada Day
On July 1, 2017 I wasn’t ready to open up about my struggles with mental health… But I was ready to take a small step and admit that Deadpool had helped me through “rough times”. So, for Canada Day I posted; “Ryan Reynolds films and Deadpool Comics have legitimately helped me through some pretty rough times… So, in the words of Wade Wilson; ‘life is a series of train wrecks with only brief commercial-like breaks of happiness.’ I’m thankful for the simple things that help pull me through the train wrecks.”

Skip to present day. I’m not ashamed of my mental health anymore, and I don’t see it as a weakness. I’ve even started sharing about it on my blog. I share my experiences with mental illness for to main reasons; to spread awareness and to show people like me that they are not alone.

Thanks to Ryan Reynolds, I’ve learned to accept and love this part of myself. However, it hasn’t been easy… it’s taken a lot of practice, self-care, diet, exercise, meditation, and discipline, and my success has been accompanied by many set-backs… but I’m growing.

And, thankfully, my mental health journey with Ryan Reynolds doesn’t end there.

My husband and I recently went to New York City to watch a few Broadway plays. On our first morning there I woke up super excited… But, like most people in this technological society,  I checked my phone before getting out of bed. The first thing I saw was a New York Times article titled; “This Story Has Already Stressed Ryan Reynolds Out”. The article offered a more intimate look at Ryan Reynolds’ anxiety, and I found myself trembling as I read his words; “I have anxiety, I’ve always had anxiety. Both in the lighthearted ‘I’m anxious about this’ kind of thing, and I’ve been to the depths of the darker end of the spectrum, which is not fun.”

I sat in bed, thinking, and reminding myself, “Ryan Reynolds, a man who has helped pull me out of my own darkness, countless times, has heartbreaking darkness of his own. He goes through some of the same horrible stuff I go through.”

I didn’t know if I should smile, cry, or watch Deadpool again. [Note: the answer is always “watch Deadpool again”.]

To be completely honest, I’ve been dealing with a tremendous amount of anxiety lately, perhaps more than I’ve ever faced… I’ve actually been concerned that my anxiety attacks and irrational fears have been getting worse. But as I read that article I felt strength and confidence entering my body.

I re-read it, and I focused on one sentence; “he [Ryan Reynolds] gets racked by dread and nausea before every talk-show appearance and becomes quite convinced he might die.” I started thinking about my own daily dread, my own nausea, and my own “this anxiety attack might kill me/my heart might actually explode” feelings; feelings that I experience far too often.

Once again, Ryan Reynolds had met me right when I needed him… and he normalized my irrational anxiety fears.

I mean, if someone like Ryan Reynolds could be racked by dread, anxiety, and nausea, then it’s okay, right? Maybe I’ll be okay…

I continued to read, and I discovered that he went through a “true unhinged phase” in his early 20s. He stated that he was partying in an attempt to make himself vanish in some way. I was immediately taken back to my “red-wine-winter of 2016”; and my notorious red wine vanishing act.

Ryan Reynolds continued to explain that “he frequently awoke in the middle of the night, paralyzed by anxiety, agonizing about his future.” After reading this I paused, and actually said out loud, “Me too, Ryan, me too.” Something beautiful happened for me in that moment… I’m not sure what it was. I guess you could say that I quit hating my anxiety. I accepted it…

its not easy being ryan reynolds
The article was printed in the New York Times, under the title “It’s Not Easy Being Ryan Reynolds”, on Sunday, May 6th; my last day in New York City… So, of course, I ran out and bought several copies.

This may seem silly… that the words of an actor mean so much to me… but they do, they mean a tremendous amount to me. Probably more than you could imagine.

When I was in the depths of darkness and depression, Ryan Reynolds could make me smile… and that’s worth something. When I felt worthless, Ryan Reynolds told people about his anxiety, and it made me feel like I wasn’t alone… and that’s priceless.

Ryan Reynolds once said, “laughing can serve you in dark moments, and help you crawl back out”… and that’s exactly what he has done for me.


… and, actually, that quote is the background image on my computer.

ryan reynlds ss

And, my mini-Deadpool anxiety totem has been a lot of cool places… He’s been to California…

walk of fame

…where I got to see Ryan Reynolds’ star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

ryan reynolds walk of fame

He’s been to multiple comic book and horror film conventions, normally on my Wonder Woman backpack — which, I know, is a DC/Marvel Universe crossover, but I think Wade Wilson would be fine with it…

ryan reynolds comiccon

And, he recently went to New York City with me… and you can tell, by the chipped paint on his eyeballs, that he’s been through some anxiety riddled times.

nyc deadpool

But mini-Deadpool doesn’t only go fun places, like NASCAR, Hollywood, and New York City… he goes normal places too, like the grocery store… and I know, I’m an adult woman, and I don’t need a tiny toy to help “keep me calm” — that’s not why I carry him around. I carry him around because he reminds me that its okay to be flawed. He reminds me that even super awesome people, like Ryan Reynolds, are flawed… and messed up at times, and that’s okay.

So, like Wade Wilson, I will approach life with Maximum Effort… and take my mental health one day at a time.

Sincerely, Elizabeth

You can connect with the Uncustomary Housewife on social networks: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You can also subscribe to the Uncustomary Housewife Blog

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MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCES: Every time you call out, you’re a little less alone. You matter, and you deserve support. For a list of mental health support systems and online communities, visit; Uncustomary Housewife – Mental Health Support Systems and Communities

17 responses to “What Ryan Reynolds Means to Me: Maximum Anxiety Effort”

  1. justbehappyhealthyyou Avatar

    I can totally relate to this! Big hugs and glad Ryan Reynolds is there for you😘

  2. myselfwise Avatar

    I found this post adorable and very relatable! I think you are absolutely right on going after what made you laugh to cure your day to day anxiety. Whatever works you should stick with it. I actually think many people would find your tip helpful.

    1. Elizabeth Mosley-Banks Avatar

      Thank you, very much. I appreciate the feedback and support.

  3. tylerbelle Avatar

    Yes girl!! Way to go, finding your way out of depression is not easy task! So always be proud! I just recently learned about Ryan Reynolds anxiety as well. I always looked up to him (I love Deadpool as well) and to know that he suffers from the exact same darkness I do helps me see the world differently. If he can appear in front of thousands of people, I can write my blog 😊😊 thank you for sharing!!

    1. Elizabeth Mosley-Banks Avatar

      Thank you for reading my post and commenting, I sincerely appreciate it. I’m very glad to hear that you love Deadpool!

  4. Nira Jo Branham Avatar
    Nira Jo Branham

    I love Deadpool also , Stay Happy and Healthy

  5. […] (Anxiety Relief) I recently wrote an emotionally intimate blog post about Ryan Reynolds, titled “What Ryan Reynolds Means to Me: Maximum Anxiety Effort”. In this blog post I confessed that I carry a mini-Deadpool figure around with me, and I […]

  6. NCKS Avatar

    I love your honesty and the way you write. I also have loved Ryan Reynolds forever! Whenever I want to appreciate laughing like a loon, I watch Just Friends because Ryan in that movie is goofy, sarcastic, well dressed, gorgeous and shows his trademark smile. It is a sure fire way to get out of my doldrums because between him and Anna Faris, it’s a friggin’ laugh riot! Thanks for a blog I can’t wait to catch up with! Hugs!

    1. Elizabeth Mosley-Banks Avatar

      I actually watched Just Friends last night, while cooking dinner (ironic, right?). It never fails to make me laugh. Thank you, so much for commenting. I really, really appreciate it.

  7. […] love what I love; Star Trek, Ryan Reynolds, Broadway, Films, Books… I love these geeky and amazing things, so why not celebrate them? […]

  8. […] The Mighty: A Mental Health Blog. You can read the full and original post on my blog by visiting; What Ryan Reynolds Means to Me: Maximum Anxiety Effort. You can also view my publication on The Mighty Site, by visiting; Knowing That Ryan Reynolds Has […]

  9. […] would be incomplete if it didn’t include a song from the Deadpool Soundtrack. I’ve posted about this many times: I keep Deadpool (soundtrack and film) on my phone, because they can always pick me […]

  10. […] Wade Wilson (Deadpool) to Jerry (The Voices). I also love his openness about mental health and anxiety. I sincerely love Ryan Reynolds and I think he is one of the most entertaining humans, ever. Ryan […]

  11. […] was published on The Mighty Site. You can read the full and original post on my blog by visiting; What Ryan Reynolds Means to Me: Maximum Anxiety Effort. You can also view my publication on The Mighty Site, by visiting; Knowing That Ryan Reynolds Has […]

  12. Talasi Guerra Avatar

    This is awesome! What I love most about it is how you have allowed “ordinary things” to speak to your soul and help you through your battles in such a meaningful way. Thanks for sharing this!

    1. Elizabeth Mosley-Banks Avatar

      Thank you for reading and commenting, I sincerely appreciate it.

  13. […] openly about his anxiety. It makes me feel like I’m not alone. That’s priceless. I even wrote a blog post about this topic. So, having a little Deadpool to fidget with helps me […]

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